Sunday, May 15, 2011

Peruvian Politics

From what I've gleamed from my host family, the next few years of Peruvian politics will be a bit rough. The current president has done a good job, raising the country's economic state, but presidential terms only last 5 years, and the election is this June 5th. The two candidates are Keiko and Ollanta. Choosing between the both is described as choosing between the lesser of two evils (los dos son malo y malo). Keiko is the daughter of a past dictator of Peru, who is currently banished from the country. If elected, she has clearly said that she's going to let her father back into the country, so who knows. Ollanta is described as a Hugo Chavez-like character. Thus, no one in Peru really knows who to vote for, and unfortunately, voting is mandatory here. Elections are on June 5th, so we'll see how the country reacts.

Posted by David Chou

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